

Beautiful. Laughter and tears as I read!

Beautiful... that is all I can say! I'd already known for a long time who Michael Jackson was as a human, the beauty and magic of this man... but this book and the experiences Talitha along with other fans had the fortune of experiencing--which are told in beautiful detail--give me a much deeper insight into his humanity and the true love and adoration he held so deeply for his fans, insight I've been enticed to hear more about ever since I originally read Talitha's fan blog! It truly felt as if I was reading a fairy tale. I was so captivated by it, I read it all in one night! Couldn’t put it down lol. And such beautiful pictures of Michael here I've never seen before :)

This book did what I thought was the impossible--made me love Michael even MORE than I already do, and I thank Talitha personally sharing with us all her experience of a lifetime!

-Keena475, Amazon

Read the kindle book in half a day as I couldn't stop!

I downloaded the kindle book while I wait for the physical book that I bought from Amazon to reach me. Read the kindle book in half a day as I couldn't stop! What beautiful experiences you shared with that beautiful human being. ❤ Thank you for sharing them with us. Your website, last Angel, gave me so much comfort over the years and reading your complete story was wonderful except the ending which was heartbreaking.

-Deasy Jackson, Facebook

I was moved to tears so many times.

It’s a beautiful book, Talitha! <3 Thank you so much for writing this. I was moved to tears so many times. I really really love it!!! <3 <3 <3

-@cremasteric1982, Twitter

Thank you for sharing your beautiful story…

I finished reading your book yesterday I really loved it. Thank you for sharing your beautiful story, the experiences you lived with our angel with so much sincerity. ❤

-Lid Lily, Facebook

I’m glad she shared so much with us.

Ok so I stayed up pretty late reading Talitha Linehan’s book A real-life fairy tale: Michael Jackson and me. & it was Worth it. I thought It was a fantastic read. Really beautifully written, I felt, with a lot of love for Michael. I’m glad she shared so much with us.

-@_monicanorma, Twitter

In other languages


Le conte de fée d'une fan qui est devenue amie avec son idole Michael Jackson

Talitha est devenue fan de Michael Jackson quand elle était adolescente et est allée le voir en concert de nombreuses fois . Elle l'a suivi partout en Europe puis aux Etats Unis jusqu'à cette tragique date du 25 juin 2009. Dans son livre, elle nous raconte en détail ses voyages pour le rencontrer, comment elle a pu se rapprocher de lui et devenir son amie. Au travers de ce récit authentique, les lecteurs découvriront que la plus grande star du monde est restée tout au long de sa vie un homme sensible et timide, qu'il était un père formidable pour ses enfants et un être exceptionnel incompris du grand public et accusé à tort par des personnes uniquement motivées par l'argent.
A lire absolument

-lidduc, Amazon



-ゆっく Amazon

Amor incondicional

Un placer leer sobre la estrecha relación que Michael tenía con sus fans, y en concreto, y a otro nivel, con la autora del libro Talitha. Aunque escrito en inglés, creo que resultaría fácil de leer a cualquiera con algunas nociones del idioma pues es un texto directo, sencillo, con muchos diálogos, y sobre todo escrito con mucho amor.

Un libro que para algunos fans significará una mirada a su otra vida, recordando algunos de los eventos narrados, bien porque los vivieron también en persona o desde la distancia, y un libro también para las nuevas generaciones de fans, que podrán conocer de primera mano cómo era experimentar el estar cerca de Michael, la emoción, la magia de tenerle cerca.Le conte de fée d'une fan qui est devenue amie avec son idole Michael Jackson

-ANDRES, Amazon

Für Fans sehr zu empfehlen

Interessantes und kurzweiliges Buch aus Sicht eines Fans. Talitha ist Michael Jackson viele Jahre überall hin gefolgt und hat durch ihre vielen Treffen eine ganz Besondere Beziehung zu ihm entwickelt. Gerade über seine letzten Jahre in L.A. und auch den liebevollen Umgang mit seinen Fans erfährt man hier einiges. Vielen Dank, Talitha, dass du deine Geschichte geteilt hast.

-Amazon Customer, Amazon